Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

Cinema Visit of 2024 - 25

There haven’t been many Marvel films since Endgame that I can say that I have really enjoyed. Guardians 3 was perhaps the closest that I have really enjoyed and Eternals was the low point. It’s been a rough couple of years for Marvel but with the recent announcement that Robert Downey Jr is returning to play Dr Doom, the question remains as to whether this signals a change in fortunes for Marvel. The short answer is…..potentially. If we get films that are fun and less tv shows which don’t cater to anyone then Marvel might get back to its glory days.

The plot isn’t really important, it's just about watching Deadpool try and convince Wolverine to do things. 

The film makes many many many references to Fox’s days of owning the X-Men franchise and when Deadpool runs towards the camera and F**k Fox that did make me chuckle as did the line about Disney making Jackman do the Wolverine stuff until he’s 90. There are so many jokes in this film that if one didn’t work for you then don’t worry cause another one will come along in about 30 seconds. The cameo’s are also are memorable as the jokes. There are so many cameos that its difficult to say which one was my favourite but I thought that the Chris Evans bait and switch was a genius idea by the writers. The only cameo that didn’t work really for me was the Henry Cavill one because it just seemed like a throwaway one and didn’t seem in keeping with the other cameos where they served a purpose and had something to do.


I had slight concerns when I learnt that Hugh Jackman was returning as Wolverine as I thought that 2017’s Logan was my favourite Marvel film and the perfect end. They knew that this was the fear for most people because thats the first shot of the film and then its dealt with in a tongue in cheek way. It leads into the best opening for a Deadpool film. 

The performances are really good. I think Ryan Reynolds’ charm is what wins you over because that enables the jokes to work the way they do.  He is also able to do the heartfelt stuff just as well as the funny stuff.  Hugh Jackman gives another great performance as Logan. I have been watching the X-Men films in the run up to this and its clear how he seemed destined to play the role and gets better with each movie, even The Wolverine. 

Together they work quite well as the odd couple. I have seen how they are in interviews and behind the scenes and there seems to be a genuine friendship there and that just adds to the enjoyment.


The villain was your usual Marvel villain in that its not a particularly strong one. I don’t know X-Men very well but I thought Professor X having a sibling that we didn’t know about just magically pop up in a film felt a bit weak and also the plot isn’t the strongest but they would be major problems in a normal film but in this one its a nitpick.

Deadpool & Wolverine is a near perfect film. It’s certainly the best Marvel film since Endgame. It’s funny, it is entertaining but I do hope that this is the last time we see Wolverine played by Hugh Jackman. He got away with it this time but he may not be so lucky again. Marvel have been having a rough couple of years and whilst this film does completely turn the corner. It’s clear that with a few more films like this then they will be back on good form. Not every film needs to be a R-Rated comedy but with a bit of thought and some breathing space between films then the so called Superhero fatigue will be shown to be not true.
