One Life (2023)

I kind of knew the story of Nicholas Winton but only what was shown on 'That's Life'. The remarkable story was a mystery to me and over the course of the nearly 2 hours was something that I found totally mesmerising. Telling the story of how over 600 children were sent to the UK fleeing the Nazi's is something that could easily have become shmaltzy and sentimental but credit to the writing which was unfussy and just let the story move along at the pace that was right for this type of story.

Anthony Hopkins is amazing in this as the elder Nicholas Winton and the scene towards the end where he meets the adult version of the children he helped saved did get me teary eye. Johnny Flynn is also very good as the younger Nicholas Winton but has to do most of the heavy lifting plot wise. Helena Bonham Carter brings the sort of warmth to her performance that I remember in 'The King's Speech' and like that film this is a more stand there and be supportive which might be a bit unfair but it doesn't change the fact that she gives a stunning performance.

I really enjoyed this film and as the first cinema experience of 2024, I am glad to say that this the year has started off in great fashion. Not sure it will be everyones cup of tea but I enjoyed it from start to finish.
