The problem ultimately with the film is despite the excesses that are shown in painstaking detail, the film never feels like a film. Even the homage at the end feels somewhat forced and so what could have been a fun trip into a bygone period just feels seedy and a bit unnecessary. I had the same feeling when watching ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’. I thought the sex and drug taking went on a bit too long and the film suffered (its still awesome by the way). Margot Robbie is fine as Nellie but it would be nice to see her tackle a different accent as all her characters come from New York. Nothing wrong with the by the way but a bit of variety would be nice. Brad Pitt did seem to be a bit on auto pilot throughout this film. He’s still fun but the film could have done with a bit more energy from him. By far the best thing about this film is Tobey Maguire (never thought I would write that). It was this point that the film actually got good and felt like there was a point to the story but before I had time to enjoy what was happening, it was over.
Babylon is one of the more disappointing experiences at the cinema. It’s not terrible by any means but I think that this is a classic example of style over substance. Normally I would say that that's not a problem when the style is so good but in Babylon’s case, the style isn’t as good as it could have been.